that depends on the technologies being used. Dont ask difficult questions. Ask them questions that can be answered in a sentence or two.
Things like
What is an interface?
What is encapsulation/information hiding?
whats and abstract class (java)
whats a closure (javascript)
whats prototypal inheritance (javascript)
what does IoC mean (Spring, Inversion of Control)
Make sure that if they have something like hibernate on their resume, you ask them what ORM is, what the session is, etc. Its amazing how many people lie on their resume.
Basically you just want to verify that they havent lied on their resume and have the basic knowledge you would expect from them. You don't want to ask them complicated design questions. You are screening, not interviewing. If they know the basics then you can bring them in for a more detailed interview...
edit -- i thought of one more thing. Dont spend more than 20-30 minutes on the phone with them. It shouldn't take that long to figure out if they know what they are talking about or faking it.