



Hi there,

I'm working on an event-planning application for the contacts in a phone book. Avoiding all the public virtual and protected stuff, my Contact class looks like:

class Contact {
    Int32 Id { get; private set; } //primary key;
    String Name { get; private set; } 

A customer asked me to handle both his own phone book and my application's one. So I thought to extract an IContact interface from Contact, and to add another class InternalContact (this name sucks, I know), implementing the same interface. The problem is that the customer's db uses an assigned string as a primary key, so Contact''s Id type and InternalContact's Id type will be different. Is it possible to map the Invitation.Contact property using an <any> type mapping, even is the Id types are different?

Thanks in advance, Giulio


Not sure if this is what you are asking but you could do something like this to create the classes:

interface IContact<T>
    T Id { get; }

public class Contact : IContact<int>
    public int Id { get; private set; }

public class InternalContact : IContact<string>
    public string Id { get; private set; }
Generic? Uhm... sounds interesting. ;-) But is it possible? What should I write in the mapping file? Any link to any example about this technique? Thanks.
Yes this is possible. Here is a link to an introduction:
It seems like you didn't get the 'core' of my question: I know what generics are, I don't know how to implement a polymorphic mapping with NHibernate where entities' Id are of different types. Or maybe I'm missing something?