Hi all
I am using the gVim7.2 on Windows 7.I can set the gui font as Consolas 10(font size) from menu . I am trying to set this in .vimrc file like below
set guifont=Consolas\ 10
But it deosn't work. Does anyone set this before?
Hi all
I am using the gVim7.2 on Windows 7.I can set the gui font as Consolas 10(font size) from menu . I am trying to set this in .vimrc file like below
set guifont=Consolas\ 10
But it deosn't work. Does anyone set this before?
Try setting your font from the menu and then typing
:set guifont?
This should display to you the string that Vim has set this option to. You'll need to escape any spaces.
I use the following (Uses Consolas on Windows and Inconsolata everywhere else):
if has("gui_running")
if has("gui_gtk2")
set guifont=Inconsolata\ 12
elseif has("gui_win32")
set guifont=Consolas:h11:cANSI
Edit: And while you're at it, you could take a look at http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2004/12/progamming-fonts.html
I am trying to set this in .vimrc file like below
For GUI specific settings use the .gvimrc
instead of .vimrc
, which on Windows is either $HOME\_gvimrc
or $VIM\_gvimrc
Check the :help .gvimrc
for details. In essence, on start-up VIM reads the .vimrc
. After that, if GUI is activated, it also reads the .gvimrc
. IOW, all VIM general settings should be kept in .vimrc
, all GUI specific things in .gvimrc
. (But if you do no use console VIM then you can simply forget about the .vimrc
set guifont=Consolas\ 10
The syntax is wrong. After :set guifont=*
you can always check the proper syntax for the font using :set guifont?
. VIM Windows syntax is :set guifont=Consolas:h10
. I do not see precise specification for that, though it is mentioned in the :help win32-faq