



I want to try to use div tags and css instead of tables in my web design. Can you suggest any resource that I can learn using div tags ?


Here is an excellent tutorial on that:

DIV web design

The key is to understand float and clear properties amongst other things.

I know it, but it's not detailed..
@penguru: Then I can't surmise your understanding and what you consider detailed :)
+2  A: 

There are different css grid systems out there that can be a starting point for you:

Those are for advanced level, he didn't ask about any CSS frameworks anyway :)
Not sure if they are for advanced users: the YUI grids system comes with a builder (the others too, I think), so he can have a decent cross-browser layout with little effort... but maybe you are right, as he said "learn" :)
+1  A: 

It's quite a switch from tables to div's! Lot's of stuff to be learned. Its smart to google and start reading about a few subjects before coding. I think generators and grids are not what you are looking for, because you need to learn basic principles first.

Google for subjects like:

  • css Box model
  • css floats
  • css positioning
  • css resets

When u start with these subjects, the workings of the divs become a bit clearer. Then the real shizzle starts when you run into some inconsistencies with browsers and such (thats where the resets help).

Thats just my opinion. :)
