I am making a small website as my first project. I have finalized to use Java Servlets and JSP for my Server-side scripting. I am learning it from O'Reilly's HeadFirst Servlets and JSP. I decided to use Apache-Tomcat as my web server and container. I downloaded it. I even have jdk 1.6 update 21. I unzipped apache in C: It is running successfully as i get the default Tomcat home page when I type http://localhost:8080 in my browser.
In chapter 3 there is a small project called beer.
So I tried to make it.
I created a directory called beer under webapps C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.0\webapps\beer
. Inside it to just check the basics I created a html file called form.html
. But when I try to access it via the browser http://localhost:8080/beer/form.html
I get the following error:
HTTP Status 404 - /beer/form.html
type Status report
message /beer/form.html
description The requested resource (/beer/form.html) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.0
I have even tried using tomcat 6, but to no use.