Hello everyone! I want to create a chart that consists of couples of two bars.
one of them a regular bar, the second one is layered and has a deviation.
something like this (photoshopped):
This is a snippet of my code:
private static JFreeChart createStatisticalBarChart(DefaultStatisticalCategoryDataset dataset, String chartTitle, String domainAxisLabel, String rangeAxisLabel, List<String> sunndayMap) {
CategoryAxis xAxis = new CategoryAxis(domainAxisLabel);
ValueAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis(rangeAxisLabel);
CategoryItemRenderer renderer = new StatisticalBarRenderer();
CategoryPlot plot = new CategoryPlot(dataset, xAxis, yAxis, renderer);
JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart(chartTitle,
new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10),
My dataset has mean+standarddeviatin records with every second record's deviation being "0", so that no range indicators will be displayed.
Anyone an idea how I can accomplish that?