I'm working on a Rails app wherein I want to be able to search for records created in a given year using the Searchlogic gem, but I can't figure out how to have Searchlogic only search by year. I tried this in my search form:
<%= f.date_select(:created_at_equals, :start_year => 2010, :end_year => 2015, :discard_day => true, :discard_month => true, :include_blank => true ) %>
but this returns a "not valid parameters" error with these parameters:
{"search"=>{"collection_like"=>"", "spring"=>"0", "order"=>"descend_by_id", "user_email_like"=>"", "fall"=>"0", "created_at_equals(1i)"=>"2010", "created_at_equals(2i)"=>"", "created_at_equals(3i)"=>""}}
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.