I have a query of IQueryable and want to apply sorting to it dynamically, sorting can be on many columns (asc or desc). I've written the following generic function:
private IQueryable<T> ApplySorting<T,U>(IQueryable<T> query, Expression<Func<T, U>> predicate, SortOrder order)
if (order == SortOrder.Ascending)
return query.OrderBy<T, U>(predicate);
return query.OrderByDescending<T, U>(predicate);
SortOrder is my simple enum with 2 values: Ascending and Descending
Then I call this function in a loop, for each column that user requested sorting. However I've noticed it fails because it always sorts on the last column used, ignoring the other ones.
Then I found there's a 'ThenBy' method on IOrderedQueryable so the valid usage is:
var q = db.MyType.OrderBy(x=>x.Col1).ThenBy(y=>y.Col2); //etc.
But how can I make it generic? I tried to test if the query is IOrderedQueryable but it seems always to be true even if it's simplest var q = from x in db.MyType select x
I have no clue why it was designed like this. What's wrong with:
var q = db.MyType.OrderBy(x=>x.Col1).OrderBy(y=>y.Col2); //etc.
it's so much intuitive