My list (@degree) is built from a SQL command. The NVL command in the SQL isn't working, neither are tests such as:
if (@degree[$i] == "")
if (@degree[$i] == " ")
if (@degree[$i] == '')
if (@degree[$i] == -1)
if (@degree[$i] == 0)
if (@degree[$i] == ())
if (@degree[$i] == undef)
$i is a counter variable in a for loop. Basically it goes through and grabs unique degrees from a table and ends up creating ("AFA", "AS", "AAS", "", "BS")
. The list is not always this long, and the empty element is not always in that position 3.
Can anyone help?
I want to either test during the for loop, or after the loop completes for where this empty element is and then replace it with the word, "OTHER".
Thanks for anything -Ken