



Any ideas on how to bind a click event to an OverlayView in v3 of the GMaps API? The overlays seem to be buried under the map's panes so clicking on the overlay results in just a zoom. I'd ultimately like to bind an infowindow to the overlay but just being able to click it would be a fine start.

Would just changing the z-index be the way to go? I tried this for a little while but couldn't get through all of the nested divs loaded by the map.

This is the demo I'm playing with:

Edit: The overlays on the demo map are the large 'teardrop' icons and the paths. The smaller blue icons are Markers at the moment.


Consider placing your overlays in a different pane so that their z-Index is higher than. According to the documentation, getPanes().floatPane will get you the pane which is above all other map panes.

Also give your overlays a high z-Index so that they appear above other content in this frame.

Then use google.maps.event.addDomListener(..) to attach a click listener to your custom overlay.
