



Will an SQLite database perform well to around 50 reads/second without locking?

I'm trying to decide whether it'd be feasible for use on a PHP website that won't get 'written' to very often - it'll be mostly reads of the same data from a small handful of tables


+1  A: 

No problem. The concurrent reading/writing will actually be serialized by SQLite so you don't need to care about it.

For details :

Thanks for that, that's what I was looking for :-)Though what happens if there are lots of processes with a 'SHARED' lock, and a write comes in? Every other day there will be a new row added, maybe one deleted...The DB is likely to be constantly being read by at least say 10 processes, and probably won't receive any rest... Also, at 50 reads / second, that's going to be at least around 50 page loads that will fail if the 'PENDING' state is usedIs there a way for the data to be written, then later processes getting the new data without requiring a temporary downtime for the write?
Brian E