



Are there any free-to-use libraries for .NET so that I can read Canon's raw format, CR2, into my image processing application, retaining the full color depth? I believe it is a linear 14-bit/channel integer format, however some processing is required due to the layout of the image sensor array.

I don't want it in crappy 8-bit/channel precision, I want the highest possible color depth for my internal 32-bit/channel floating point format.

+1  A: 

Have you considered the Canon SDK? It's free to download, apparently, but you have to fill out a request form and agree to the license before getting a copy. (Disclaimer: I haven't used it.)

There's a site with a set of forums for SDK users that might have some useful information. Good luck!

Jim Lewis
+1. Be warned however: Canon's API is crap and their support is far far worse... *I* use it... :-(
When I first read the post that Canon offers an SDK I thought I was wrong they were just another corporate, but the last comment kinda ruined my hope a little. I'll take a look into it. They don't seem very open to Europe though, a search for 'Canon SDK' on the European site yields nada. Pah...
Erica Desmondo
Why, oh, why, do the best devices always seem to come with the crappiest software/API/SDK/support? It's almost as if it's a law of nature.
Jim Lewis
"We don't believe in our customers, we believe in our business!" (don't remember the source of that quote though) :D
Erica Desmondo