



I use WebBrowser Silverlight 4 control to load some page:

<WebBrowser Height="350" Name="webBrowser" Width="400" />
webBrowser.Navigate(new Uri("")); 

But page loads with horizontal and vertical scroll bars. So I'm trying to find some ways to get actual size of loaded page (then I can change Height/Width of control) OR change scale of loaded page (to fit it to the actual WebControl control). Is it possible to do with standard WebControl methods?


Got you. Usually you can do that using the ViewBox, but it doesn't work with Webbrowser unfortunately. I guess you will have to wait for the next version of Webbrowser :(

--Old answer below:

I'm not sure if i understood your problem correctly, do you want the webbrowser to fit its parent container?

Maybe using HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment like this?

<ScrollViewer HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch">
     <WebBrowser Name="webBrowser" />

Could you explain better?


Thanks for your answer. It's not exactly what I need. So, details. For example: I'm trying to open some web-page with WebBrowser control instance with Height="600" and Width="900". Page opens correctly. Then I decide to change size of WebBrowser control and set Height="300" and Width="600". Of course entire page can't displays inside WebBrowser and scrollbars appears. SO I'm seeking for a way to remove these scrollbars (and display entire page). Most preferable way - change scale of the web page inside WebBrowser control.