



I would like to loop through two lists using a For each loop.

dim data as list(of pointpairlist)
For each recLine in records
    For Each chan In recLine.channels and d in data
      d.add( func(chan) )

note: each record line has one sample from each channel recorded. ie each record line is a slice of a 32 sensor recordings. I want to build up a x,y list of data points for each channel (the x axis is common to all channels)

Is there some way to do it similar to what i have above (avoiding indexing variables)

+1  A: 

The best way to iterate over two different collections in a single loop is to use indexers.

For index As Integer = 0 To recLine.channels.Count - 1
    data(index) = func(chan(index))

As @0xA3 comments, you can also a while loop, calling GetEnumerator, MoveNext and Current directly on each collection, but this buys you nothing.

I realize you want to avoid using indexers, but there is no simple language support for anything else.

This is the case also for C#.

Why do you need to avoid indexers?

Well, you *could* use a while loop and call `GetEnumerator` and `MoveNext` and `Current` yourself, if you really want to avoid an indexer. This should work well if the lists have the same size but it doesn't really give you an advantage.
@0xA3 - thanks for the insight, answer updated.
well, it was a mix of trying to have less clutter, and knowing that I really don't know all the constructs in that well. I typically code in as if it was C or C++ which is probably not the most efficient use of the language.
+1  A: 

Nest the loops. I cannot reverse-engineer the actual declarations from the snippet, but something like this:

    Dim data As List(Of PointPairList)
    For Each point In data
        For Each chan In point.recLine
Hans Passant
doesn't quite work because each "point" is actually a list of points populated by each channel (a points list for each channel list).But know i realize i left something out. I will edit the question
Well, something like that. Seems you've adopted the nested loop approach. Why did you select an answer that doesn't use it?
Hans Passant
Cause thats what I ended up using! :)