I'm having issues with Unicode characters in Perl. When I receive data in from the web, I often get characters like “
or €
. The first one is a quotation mark and the second is the Euro symbol.
Now I can easily substitute in the correct values in Perl and print to the screen the corrected words, but when I try to output to a .CSV file all the substitutions I have done are for nothing and I get garbage in my .CSV file. (The quotes work, guessing since it's such a general character). Also Numéro will give Numéro. The examples are endless.
I wrote a small program to try and figure this issue out, but am not sure what the problem is. I read on another stack overflow thread that you can import the .CSV in Excel and choose UTF8 encoding, this option does not pop up for me though. I'm wondering if I can just encode it into whatever Excel's native character set is (UTF16BE???), or if there is another solution. I have tried many variations on this short program, and let me say again that its just for testing out Unicode problems, not a part of a legit program. Thanks.
use strict;
use warnings;
require Text::CSV_XS;
use Encode qw/encode decode/;
my $text = 'Numéro Numéro Numéro Orkos Capital SAS (√¢¬Ä¬úOrkos√¢¬Ä¬ù) 325M√¢¬Ç¬¨ in 40 companies headquartered';
$text =~ s/“|”/"/sig;
$text =~ s/’s/'s/sig;
$text =~ s/√¢¬Ç¬¨/€/sig;
$text =~ s/√¢¬Ñ¬¢/®/sig;
$text =~ s/ / /sig;
my $CSV = Text::CSV_XS->new ({ binary => 1, eol => "\n" }) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag();
open my $OUTPUT, ">:encoding(utf8)", "unicode.csv" or die "unicode.csv: $!";
my @row = ($text);
$CSV->print($OUTPUT, \@row);
I've also tried these two lines to no avail:
$text = decode("Guess", $text);
$text = encode("UTF-16BE", $text);