




1.i have a mass of content. 2.I want to drip that content piece by piece via a feed. 3.it needs to be updated daily and at a specific time (8 am)

heres some sample code im working on:

<title>my title</title>
<!-- The above tells the reader to not pull the feed but only in the 8th hour. -->
<atom:link href="http://www.url.com/tips.xml" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<description>the description</description>
<!-- The above should be changed to the current date. but do not change the time.  If all goes well -->
<!-- this should tell the feed reader that 8 oclock is the update time. I've used 3 different methods. -->
    <copyright>2010 </copyright>
<!-- The above hints to the reader to cache the feed for only 23 hours. -->
    <title>Tip 1</title>
    <description>The right tip.</description>
  1. i dont need any more content then what is above.
  2. i just need to know what i have to do to make 1 tip update each day at 8 am.
  3. this is my 1st time coding rss/xml. i just began looking at it 4.5 hours ago.
  4. if i understand correctly. the reader will pull ALL items in the channel as 1 feed update.
  5. i have over 300 tips that i need to feed, INDIVIDUALLY, each day at 8 am for over 300 days consecutively.
  6. in lieu of creating over 300 individual feeds. how can i do this in 1 single xml file?