In my application I need to serialize a vector containing an arbitrary datatype, in this case is a list of Doubles. For serializing the vector I'm importing Data.Vector.Binary.
When loading the module in GHCi the following error arises:
Overlapping instances for Binary [Double]
arising from a use of `decode' at Statistics.hs:57:33-42
Matching instances:
instance (Data.Vector.Generic.Base.Vector v a, Binary a) =>
Binary (v a)
-- Defined in Data.Vector.Binary
instance (Binary a) => Binary [a] -- Defined in Data.Binary
Is the list an instance of Vector? I looked through the documentation but could not find such instance.
What can I do to be able to serialize this structure?
I'm using the following package versions:
- vector-
- vector-binary-instances-0.1.2
- binary-
Also here is a snippet that shows the issue, this time with a list of chars:
import Data.Binary
import Data.Vector.Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
main = L.writeFile "/tmp/aaa" $ encode "hello"