In my test I looking for some components, and checking if they're rendered:
UIComponent component = server.findComponent(permossion.getClientId());
assertEquals(hasPermission, "roleCol");
and my page looks like this:
<p:treeTable value="#{manageGroupsBean.root}" var="entity" id="table">
<p:column id="roleCol" >
<h:outputText value="#{entity.group.name}"
rendered="#{manageGroupsBean.isGroup(entity)}" />
and more...
When I run the test it give an arror:
'roleCol' matches more than one JSF component ID. Use a more specific ID suffix. Suffix matches: table:0:roleCol, table:1:roleCol,
When I degug it (org.jboss.jsfunit.jsfsession.ClientIDs class)I see it cteated a list of like 180 compnents, and it has both table:0:roleCol and table:1:roleCol. (it checks acroding to the suffux). I know that the id unique, just maybe it duplicates it for enerty row in the table or something like that.
Could anyone help me?