



I am using a TabActivity (Main) with 3 TabSpecs I am using Intents for the content of the 3 Tabs TabA, TabB, TabC for example.

All these tab activities use common data that is stored in SharedPreferences

In the Main TabActivity I have an options menu which has a refresh option.

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
inflater.inflate(, menu);
return true;

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    switch (item.getItemId()) {
        new updateCommonDataFromWeb().execute();


this refresh uses an AsyncTask (updateCommonDataFromWeb) to reload the common data from the web.

I need a way to tell the 3 tab activities to refresh their views and rebuild their content from the newly downloaded data.

When the tab activities are first created they load the data from SharedPreferences like so:

public class TabA extends Activity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(this.getString(R.string.prefs_name), 0);
        String usage_data = prefs.getString("common_data", "");

I thought about making a common method on each of the tab activities like.... reloadViewData()

I thought maybe I could use the activity manager from the Main TabActivity to get the activity of the current tab like so:

String tabTag = tabHost.getCurrentTabTag();
Activity activity = getLocalActivityManager().getActivity(tabTag);
# then call the reloadData() method of the tab activity

Unfortunately i cant get this approach to work, whilst activity is the correct instance its an Activity instead of a TabA,TabB or TabC

Maybe i've completely taken the wrong approach to the whole thing.

I have also read alot about not using Activities for tab content instead using views. However I dont know what view to use to replace my <RelativeLayout /> as i cant use my R.layout.* as views.

Any help would be gratefully received.



You can extend Activity and make all your child activities to inherit from your extended activity, as this way you will implement the same code (service handling) in 1 activity(the parent).

Activity -> MyParentActivity -> MyChildActivity1

This way you will be able to cast all your child activities to MyParentActivity and run your custom method (you want to be implemented)

Sounds like a simple idea, cheers, i'll give it a try!
+1  A: 

If you change the common_data in the sharedPreferences you can also implement OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener in the Activites and check for key.equals("common_data").
