



Hey All,

I'm currently designing a kind of css 'mega dropdown' menu - basically a normall css-only dropdown menu but one which contains different types of content. An example can be found at

My question is more of a 'can you think of a way around this problem' sort of thing. At the moment, it appears that CSS3 Transitions don't apply to the 'display' property. i.e. you can't do any sort of transition from display: hidden; to display: block (or any combination).

Can anyone think of a way for the second-tier menu from the above example to 'fade in' when someone hovers over one of the top level menu items? I'm aware that you can use transitions on the visibility: property, but I can't think of a way to utilise that effectively.

I've also tried using height but that just failed miserably.

I'm also aware that it's trivial to achieve this using javascript, but I wanted to challenge myself to use just CSS and I think I'm coming up a little short.

All and any suggestions most welcome.


Instead of using display you could store the element 'off-screen' until you needed it, then set its position to where you want it and transform it at the same time. This brings up a whole host of other design issues though, so ymmv. You probably wouldn't want to use display anyway, as you'd want the content to be accessible to screen readers, which for the most part try to obey rules for visibility - i.e., if it shouldn't be visible to the eye, it won't show up as content to the agent.


Does the CSS transition work if you apply it to the opacity property, rather than display?

Paul D. Waite

I think you should use transition on opacity or height, like thi:

.dropdown {
  transition-property: height, opacity;
  display: none;

.dropdown:hover {
  height: 100%;
  opacity: 1.0;
  display: block;

I don't know if it works

+1  A: 

You need to hide the element by other means in order to get this to work. I had the same issue on this page:

I accomplished the effect by positioning both div's absolutely and setting the hidden one to opacity: 0.

If you even toggle the display element from none to block your transition on other elements will not occur.

To work around this always allow the element to be display block but hide the element by adjusting any of these means:

  1. Set the height to 0.
  2. Set the opacity to 0.
  3. Position the element outside of the frame of another element that has overflow: hidden.

There are likely more solutions but you cannot perform a transition if you toggle the element to display none. For example, you may attempt to try something like this:

div { display: none; -webkit-transition: opacity 1s ease-out; opacity: 0; } { opacity: 1; display: block; }

But that will NOT work. From my experience, I have found this to do nothing :-(

So you will always need to keep the element display block. But you could get around it by doing something like this:

div { display: block; -webkit-transition: opacity 1s ease-out; opacity: 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden; } { opacity: 1; height: auto; }
Jim Jeffers
Thanks Jim for a thorough answer. You're absolutely right about the fact that if the display: property changes at all, then ALL of your transitions will not work. Which is a shame - I wonder what the reasoning behind that is.On a side note, on the same link I posted in the original question, you can see where I'm at with it. The only (small) problem I have is in Chrome [5.0.375.125] when the page loads, you can see the menu quickly fading away as the elements are loaded on the page. Firefox 4.0b2 and Safari 5.0 are absolutely fine... bug or something I've missed?
I'm not seeing the transitions occurring at all on that link - have you changed something? It's strange that your issue would only occur in Chrome. This could be a bug and no fault on your end.
Jim Jeffers
Err, yeah I'm an idiot and removed the styling for testing! I seem to have 'fixed' it now, but I have absolutely no idea why or how. It still seems to happen every now and again (possibly something to do with cached images then?!). I'm not sure it's a massive issue, just looks a little 'funky' for a split second every now and again.