Hi!, i'm a new user of Zend Framework, and i have a problem with the Zend syntax for make this query:
SELECT i.*, k.id as id_key, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT k.nome ORDER BY k.id SEPARATOR " ") as tag, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT f.dimensioni ORDER BY f.id SEPARATOR " | ") as formati
FROM immagine i
LEFT JOIN immagine_has_formato fi ON fi.immagine_codice=i.codice
LEFT JOIN formato f ON f.id=fi.formato_id
LEFT JOIN keyword_has_immagine ki ON ki.immagine_codice=i.codice
LEFT JOIN keyword k ON k.id=ki.keyword_id
WHERE i.libro_codice = '06' AND i.codice IN (
SELECT ki.immagine_codice FROM keyword_has_immagine ki
INNER JOIN keyword k ON k.id=ki.keyword_id
WHERE lower(k.nome) = 'steam'
GROUP BY i.codice
There's any one that can help me? Thanks!..