




How can I combine return and switch case statements?

I want something like

return switch(a)
          case 1:"lalala"
          case 2:"blalbla"
          case 3:"lolollo"

I know about this solution

    case 1: return "lalala";
    case 2: return "blalbla";
    case 3: return "lolollo";
    default: return "default";

But i want to only use the return operator

public String doStaff(int a) {

          case 1: return "lalala"
          case 2: return "blalbla"
          case 3: return "lolollo"
          default: return "default" 
+2  A: 
    case 1: return "lalala";
    case 2: return "blalbla";
    case 3: return "lolollo";
    default: return "default";
Ahmet Kakıcı
+6  A: 

switch and return can't combine that way, because switch is a statement, not an expression (i.e., it doesn't return a value).
If you really want to use just a single return, you could make a Dictionary to map the switch variable to return values:

var map = new Dictionary<int, string>() 
    {1, "lala"}, 
    {2, "lolo"}, 
    {3, "haha"}, 
string output;
return map.TryGetValue(a, out output) ? output : "default";
+3  A: 

I normally do it this way:

var result = null;

    case 1:
        result = "lalala";
    case 2:
        result = "blalbla";
    case 3:
        result = "lolollo";
        result = "default";

return result;
And why is this superior to early-exit, which has less code and less variables?
Konrad Rudolph
This is NOT superior, but the question was to have only one return statement and that's the way to have only one.
+3  A: 

I believe that this solution is the most straighforward one, and you should definitely use it:

switch(a) { 
  case 1: return "lalala"; 
  case 2: return "blabla"; 
  case 3: return "lololo"; 
  default: return "default"; 

But, since you asked for one return, you could use this little fluent class:

public class Switch<TElement, TResult> {
  TElement _element;
  TElement _currentCase;
  IDictionary<TElement, TResult> _map = new Dictionary<TElement, TResult>();

  public Switch(TElement element) { _element = element; }
  public Switch<TElement, TResult> Case(TElement element) {
    _currentCase = element;
    return this;
  public Switch<TElement, TResult> Then(TResult result) {
    _map.Add(_currentCase, result);
    return this;
  public TResult Default(TResult defaultResult) {
    TResult result;
    if (_map.TryGetValue(_element, out result)) {
      return result;
    return defaultResult;

To create code like this:

  return new Switch<int, string>(a)

Unfortunately, the type parameters could not be inferred by the compiler, and it feels a bit clumsy. The Default will trigger the evaluation of the "switch", and must be the last method call in the chain. Note that you always need a default value, since you've turned switch into an expression.

UPDATE: You can solve the type inference problem and drive the user to do the right thing with this code:

public static class Switch {

  public static SwitchBuilder<TElement>.CaseBuilder On<TElement>(TElement element) {
    return new SwitchBuilder<TElement>(element).Start();

  public class SwitchBuilder<TElement> {
    TElement _element;
    TElement _firstCase;
    internal SwitchBuilder(TElement element) { _element = element; }
    internal CaseBuilder Start() {
      return new CaseBuilder() { Switch = this };
    private ThenBuilder Case(TElement element) {
      _firstCase = element;
      return new ThenBuilder() { Switch = this };
    private SwitchBuilder<TElement, TResult>.CaseBuilder Then<TResult>(TResult result) {
      return new SwitchBuilder<TElement, TResult>(
    public class CaseBuilder {
      internal SwitchBuilder<TElement> Switch { get; set; }
      public ThenBuilder Case(TElement element) {
        return Switch.Case(element);
    public class ThenBuilder {
      internal SwitchBuilder<TElement> Switch { get; set; }
      public SwitchBuilder<TElement, TResult>.CaseBuilder Then<TResult>(TResult result) {
        return Switch.Then(result);

  public class SwitchBuilder<TElement, TResult> {
    TElement _element;
    TElement _currentCase;
    IDictionary<TElement, TResult> _map = new Dictionary<TElement, TResult>();
    internal SwitchBuilder(TElement element, TElement firstCase, TResult firstResult) {
      _element = element;
      _map.Add(firstCase, firstResult);
    internal CaseBuilder Start() {
      return new CaseBuilder() { Switch = this };
    private ThenBuilder Case(TElement element) {
      _currentCase = element;
      return new ThenBuilder() { Switch = this };
    private CaseBuilder Then(TResult result) {
      _map.Add(_currentCase, result);
      return new CaseBuilder() { Switch = this };
    private TResult Default(TResult defaultResult) {
      TResult result;
      if (_map.TryGetValue(_element, out result)) {
        return result;
      return defaultResult;
    public class CaseBuilder {
      internal SwitchBuilder<TElement, TResult> Switch { get; set; }
      public ThenBuilder Case(TElement element) {
        return Switch.Case(element);
      public TResult Default(TResult defaultResult) {
        return Switch.Default(defaultResult);
    public class ThenBuilder {
      internal SwitchBuilder<TElement, TResult> Switch { get; set; }
      public CaseBuilder Then(TResult result) {
        return Switch.Then(result);


The result is this nice, type-safe, fluent interface; where at each step you'll only have the right choice of methods to call (e.g. Then after Case):

return Switch.On(a)

This is the closest I can think of:

return    a==1 ? "lalala"
        : a==2 ? "blalbla"
        : a==3 ? "lolollo"
        : "default";
Mark Cidade