



I have a GridView control on my page that I have defined a number of BoundFields for. Each row of the databound GridView has a CommandField (Select), for which I want to send the PostBack to a new page.

Of course I could easily send the NewSelectedIndex in a QueryString, but I'd rather keep that information hidden from the user. Suggestions?


Use a HyperLinkField column in your GridView:

<asp:HyperLinkField AccessibleHeaderText="Edit" DataNavigateUrlFields="ActivityId" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="AcitivtyEdit.aspx?id={0}" Text="Edit Activity" />

Of course, as you said, this option shows the id in the url. To hide it (although anyone can check out your javascript and see what you do) you have two options: 1. Use Javascript code to set a hidden field with the id, change the Form postback (action) address and then submit the form. You have to allow your site to allow postback from a different page 2. Allow the Command to postback to the same page that hosts the GridView and in the server side event handler to a Server.Transfer to your page (this option presents otehr issues on sequential postbacks...)

Sergiu Damian
If you do those tricks, ASP.NET will throw an exception. Try before you advise.

ASP.NET (the normal one, not MVC) does not allow postbacks to another page. Best will be to handle the postback on the same page, then redirect to a new page.

+1  A: 

Leppie is right. The GridView has no PostbackUrl property. However, you can do what you want by using a standard control, which has a PostbackUrl property.

<asp:TemplateField AccessibleHeaderText="Edit">
        <asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnEdit" PostBackUrl="~/Default.aspx" OnClientClick='form1.ActivityId.value = this.Tag;' Tag='<%# Eval("ActivityId") %>' Text="Edit"/>

In this sample code, I added a TemplateColumn to the GridView. I use a dynamically added Tag attribute for the button to pass the Id, then I use Javascript code to put the value in a hidden field, and then the button simply postsback to the page specified in the PostbackUrl property.

Sergiu Damian
Tested in IE only!
Sergiu Damian

Thanks Sergiu Damian.

I use MasterPages and the UniqueID os hidden field may vary. I need post two values.
In the event Gridview_RowDataBound i put this code:

If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
   e.Row.Cells(12).Text = ""
   Dim img As New WebControls.ImageButton
   img.PostBackUrl = "NecesidadesPostBack.aspx"
   img.ImageUrl = "imagenes/edit.png"
   img.OnClientClick = HDLB.UniqueID.ToString & ".value = '" & e.Row.Cells(0).Text & "'; " & HDPT.UniqueID.ToString & ".value = '" & e.Row.Cells(1).Text & "';"
   img.AlternateText = "Edit"
End If

I have 2 hidden fields (HDLB and HDPT). The event OnClientClick modify the value of this hidden fields with the value of the first and second cell onto the grid.