I am working on building a simple proxy which will log certain requests which are passed through it. The proxy does not need to interfere with the traffic being passed through it (at this point in the project) and so I am trying to do as little parsing of the raw request/response as possible durring the process (the request and response are pushed off to a queue to be logged outside of the proxy).
My sample works fine, except for a cannot reliably tell when the "response" is complete so I have connections left open for longer than needed. The relevant code is below:
var request = getRequest(url);
byte[] buffer;
int bytesRead = 1;
var dataSent = false;
var timeoutTicks = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1).Ticks;
Console.WriteLine(" Sending data to address: {0}", url);
Console.WriteLine(" Waiting for response from host...");
using (var outboundStream = request.GetStream()) {
while (request.Connected && (DateTime.Now.Ticks < timeoutTicks)) {
while (outboundStream.DataAvailable) {
dataSent = true;
buffer = new byte[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bytesRead = outboundStream.Read(buffer, 0, OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (bytesRead > 0) { _clientSocket.Send(buffer, bytesRead, SocketFlags.None); }
Console.WriteLine(" pushed {0} bytes to requesting host...", _backBuffer.Length);
if (request.Connected) { Thread.Sleep(0); }
Console.WriteLine(" Finished with response from host...");
Console.WriteLine(" Disconnecting socket");
My question is whether there is an easy way to tell that the response is complete without parsing headers. Given that this response could be anything (encoded, encrypted, gzip'ed etc), I dont want to have to decode the actual response to get the length and determine if I can disconnect my socket.