I have 2 queries which display 2 different values but the results from one query are unexpected.
SELECT SUM(T.amount_reward_user) AS total_grouping
FROM fem_user_cards UC
LEFT JOIN fem_transactions T USING(card_number)
LEFT JOIN fem_company_login FCL
ON T.fem_company_login_id=FCL.fem_company_login_id
WHERE UC.fem_user_login_id=193
AND FCL.grouping<>0 AND T.from_group=1 AND T.authorised=1
GROUP BY UC.fem_user_login_id
The above query gives me the total reward amount for the user 193. Here the condition is the reward amount which i am getting out of this query must be from the group which is evident from T.from_group=1. So this seems to be working correct.
SELECT SUM(T.amount_reward_user) AS total_grouping
FROM fem_transactions T
LEFT JOIN fem_company_login FCL
ON T.fem_company_login_id=FCL.fem_company_login_id
WHERE T.fem_user_login_id=193
AND FCL.grouping<>0 AND T.from_group=1 AND T.authorised=1
In this query even though T.from_group=1 it is adding up the reward amount from T.from_group=0 as well. Does anyone know what the problem is?
For example:
The user 193 purchased something in a company A(in the group so T.from_group=1) for $5 and got the reward of $1 and bought another product for $5 from company B(out of group so T.from_group=0) and get a reward of $1 again.
My expected output is: 1
I am getting:
Query1: 1
Query2: 2
I could simply use the query 1 but i have issues with other things when i use that so i need to understand what is going on really!!