



Both document.getElementsByTagName('div') and document.querySelectorAll('div') return NodeList collection. The only difference is that first method returns live-collection and second one - a static one.

The question is - is there any opportunity to distinguish one object from another only via inspecting these objects (i.e - not trying to add/remove some items to test "liveness")?

thanks in advance


The NodeList interface is agnostic of its dead or live status.

interface NodeList {
  Node item(in unsigned long index);
  readonly attribute unsigned long length;

It only contains a property length, and a method item so I'm afraid it's currently not possible to determine if an object is live without manipulating the DOM and seeing the effects.

Anurag, thank you for this answer
You're welcome, and a very interesting question. Is there a specific reason why you want to inspect the *liveness* of the object? If the reason is good and solves genuine problems, might as well propose it to the spec authors at w3.
`document.querySelectorAll` returns a `StaticNodeList`, which by definition is not "live". Regardless of not being able to interrogate `NodeList`, I wonder if it's safe to assume `NodeList`, by convention, is *always* live.
Crescent Fresh
@Crescent - I didn't find a mention of `StaticNodeList` in [Selectors API level 2]( or in [level 1](, but it is only mentioned in a [level 1 draft](
@Anurag: you are right. It appeared as late as Dec 07 ( but it looks like it has been replaced with `NodeList` as the return type.
Crescent Fresh
Still, the [latest version]( states "The NodeList object returned by the querySelectorAll() method must be static, not live" - which is strange, since a NodeList is per se defined to be live.
@Crescent - for example, in WebKit - document.querySelectorAll('div') instanceof NodeList is true, while trying to replace NodeList with StaticNodeList will cause an error - ReferenceError: Can't find variable: StaticNodeList
@Anurag - well, actually I'have no any practical reason, but I do believe that such basic properties should be possible to inspect
@shabunc: yeah, that would be evidence of `StaticNodeList` being no more :( Note however that a host environment (eg a browser) is not required (by spec) to expose *any* top-level types within the global scope. Eg it is not required that `NodeList` be a valid name in the browser either!
Crescent Fresh