
The reason the preview doesn't match up to the paper is because you haven't selected a printer yet. Every printer is a bit different for things like unprintable areas, forced margins, etc. It's been a while since I've done winforms printing, but I do recall that the passed graphics object has a way to account for that.

Joel Coehoorn
+3  A: 

Being off towards the right tends to be explainable by the value of the PageSettings.HardMarginX property. A value produced by the printer driver. Printer drivers are however typically not very good at guessing what the actual paper route through the printer might look like. That's mechanical, pinch rollers, tray alignment and whatnot. Software and Mechanical engineers don't have lunch together often enough.

But a software engineer can almost always fix a mechanical engineer's problem. You'll need an Options dialog to allow the user to fix the mechanical engineer's problem. Use the value in e.Graphics.TranslateTransform call.

Hans Passant