Been searching for this for over a day on google without any answers. Finally putting fingers to keyboard for this. So frustrating!
I'm trying to learn MooTools and am a TOTAL javascript noobie so please be gentle with me.
Okay, what I'm tying to do is to change the state of a disabled input field (type is text) when a particular option is selected. The html looks a bit like tis:
<select class="wide" id="selectBox" name="option>
<optgroup label="Common">
<option value="one">One<option>
<option value="two">Two<option>
<option value="three">Three<option>
<optgroup label="Less Common">
<option value="other">Other<option>
<input id="other" type="text" disabled="disabled" />
This is what I was HOPING would give me the value to be checked in an if statement that would then change the input disabled to enabled:
window.addEvent('domready', function(){
$$('#selectBox').addEvent('change',function(){ var selection = $$('#selectBox').getSelected(); alert(selection); }); });
So, when the code us run (i.e. I select another value in the option box) all I get is "[object HTMLOptionElement]".
I'm ready to start plucking my hair out one strand at a time... this is so frustrating! The documentation on mootools for this method is SPARSE and only says:
Element Method: getSelected
Returns the selected options of a select element.
* (array) An array of the selected elements.
Examples: HTML
<select id="country-select" name="country">
<option value="US">United States</option
<option value ="IT">Italy</option>
$('country-select').getSelected(); //Returns whatever the user selected.
This method returns an array, regardless of the multiple attribute of the select element. If the select is single, it will return an array with only one item.
Totally confusing!
Someone please tell me what I'm missing... I've also tried:
var selection = $$('#selectBox').getSelected().value; //and
var selection = $$('#selectBox').getSelected('value'); //and
//a WHOLE bunch of other wild ideas including
var selection = $$('#selectBox').getSelected();
Nothing comes out properly. In some cases I get "undefined" and in other cases I get the same "[object HTMLOptionElement]".