You have stumbled onto a case where an idiom from Pre-Unicode Pascal should not be translated directly into the most visually similar idiom in Unicode era pascal.
First, let's deal with unicode string literals. If you can always be sure you will never have any body ever use your source code with any tool that could mess up your encodings
then you could use Unicode literals. Personally, I would not like to see Unicode codepoints in string literals in any of my code, for various reasons, the strongest reason being that my code may need to be reviewed for internationalization at some point, and having literals that belong to your local language peppered through your code is even more of a problem when you use a language other than those which use the simple Ascii/Ansi codepage symbols. Your source code will be more readable if you keep in mind the assumption that your accented characters, and even non-accented character literals would be better declared, as Jeroen says to declare them, in the const section, away from your actual place in the code that you use them.
Consider the case where you use the same string literal thirty three times throughout your code. Why should it be repeated instead of a constant? And even when it is used only once, isn't the code more readable if you declare a sane constant name?
So, first you should declare constants like he shows.
Second, the CharInSet function is deprecated for all uses other than the use it was intended for which is where you must continue to use the "Set of AnsiChar" types. This is no longer a recommended approach in Delphi 2009/2010, and using arrays of literal unicode characters, in your constant section, would be more readable, and more up-to-date.
I suggest you use the JCL StrContainsChars function and avoid character sets, since
you can not declare an inline SET of Unicode Characters at all, the language does not allow it. Instead use this, and be sure to comment it:
myChar1 = #$2001;
myChar2 = #$2002;
myChar3 = #$2003;
myMatchList1 : Array[0..2] of Char = (myChar1,myChar2,myChar3);
function Match(s:String):Boolean;
result := StrContainsChars( s, myMatchList1,false);
String, and Character Literals are bad to have peppering your code, especially character or numeric literals, are called "Magic values" and are to be avoided.
P.S. Your debug assertion shows that Ord('?') is downcasting the unicode character quietly to an AnsiChar byte-size character in the debugger. This behaviour is unexpected and should probably logged in QC.