A BSTR is a WideString in Delphi, and a pointer to a BSTR is also a pointer to a WideString in Delphi, but in terms of C-code, it is most likely an array reference. A typical way to handle such arrays, and I'm going to assume this is how it's done here, is to use a null-terminated array.
So, we need to declare an array of WideString's in Delphi, and leave the last element as null, or nil
in Delphi:
templates : array of WideString;
SetLength(templates, 3); // 2 template names + 1 nil
templates[0] := 'template1';
templates[1] := 'template2';
templates[2] := nil;
Identify(@templates[0], ....); // pass it as a pointer to the first element
I'm not guaranteeing this will work. I'm guessing here, and haven't tried it (which would involve creating a C project and testing) so this might fail horribly. Worth a shot though.