




I have a business object that I am mocking (using Moq) for business tests. When I call the object, it calls another business object which goes to the data layer. I can set a return to calls within the object that I wrote, but how can I prevent it from calling the other object and going into the data layer?

Is there a standard practice for preventing this? Apologies if this isn't clear enough; I will answer any questions as they are asked. Thanks!

Here is an example of the code, simplified just a bit:

Business Test

    Dim mockPer As New Mock(Of IYTDMarketShrink)
    Dim cLogging As New CLogProduction
    Dim cConfig As New cConfiguration
    cConfig.Environment = Ent.MeijerEnvironmentEnum.DEVELOPMENT

    'Create items for use in test
    Dim results As DataTable
    Dim dsTestData As New System.Data.DataSet
    dsTestData.ReadXml("MarketShrinkPerTestData.xml") 'Return values for the IYTDMarketShrink data layer

    Dim target As New CMarketShrinkPer(CType(mockPer.Object, IYTDMarketShrink), cLogging, cConfig)

    'Assign parameter values for the mock object
    target.FiscalYear = 2009
    target.FiscalPeriod = 9
    target.ReportType = "CPPTS"

    'Set the return value of the mocked function, call the function
    mockPer.Setup(Function(x As IYTDMarketShrink) x.dsGetPeriodShrinkDetails(target.FiscalYear, target.FiscalPeriod, "C")).Returns(dsTestData)

    results = target.dtGetPeriodShrinks()

    mockPer.Verify(Function(x As IYTDMarketShrink) x.dsGetPeriodShrinkDetails(target.FiscalYear, target.FiscalPeriod, "C"))
    Assert.AreEqual(results.Rows.Count, 9)

The method being called in the business object:

  Public Function dtGetPeriodShrinks() As DataTable
            Return dtTotalShrink
        Catch ex As Exception
            m_cLogging.LogError(ex, "CMarketShrinkPer.vb: dtGetPeroidShrinks")
        End Try
    End Function

And the method in question that is giving me trouble by going to another object, at the bottom of this code (objGeneral.GetInvalidStores()):

Private Sub GetReportBody()
    Dim dsShrinkdetails As DataSet = Nothing
    Dim dvShrink As DataView = Nothing
    Dim drShrink As DataRow = Nothing
    Dim intCurRgn As Int16
    Dim intPrevRgn As Int16
    Dim strRegion As String = String.Empty
    Dim intCount As Integer
    Dim intMarketCount As Integer
    Dim strOrgHcy As String = String.Empty
    Dim strInvalidStores As String = String.Empty
    Dim drNewRow As DataRow = Nothing
    Dim cGeneral As IGeneral = Nothing
    Dim objGeneral As CGeneral = Nothing
        cGeneral = New cGeneralData(m_cLogging, m_cConfig)
        objGeneral = New CGeneral(cGeneral, m_cLogging)

        If Me.ReportType = m_strCURRENT_PERIOD_SHRINK Then
            dsShrinkdetails = m_cMarketShrink.dsGetPeriodShrinkDetails(Me.FiscalYear, Me.FiscalPeriod, m_strCURRENT_PERIOD)
        ElseIf Me.ReportType = m_strLAST_PERIOD_SHRINK Then
            dsShrinkdetails = m_cMarketShrink.dsGetPeriodShrinkDetails(Me.FiscalYear, Me.FiscalPeriod, m_strLAST_PERIOD)
        ElseIf Me.ReportType = m_strYTD_SHRINK Then
            dsShrinkdetails = m_cMarketShrink.dsGetYTDShrinkDetails(Me.FiscalYear, Me.FiscalPeriod)
        End If
        If Not dsShrinkdetails Is Nothing AndAlso dsShrinkdetails.Tables.Count > 6 Then
            m_dtShrinksales = dsShrinkdetails.Tables(Table.ShrinkSales)
            m_dtStockLoss = dsShrinkdetails.Tables(Table.StockLoss)
            m_dtThrowAways = dsShrinkdetails.Tables(Table.ThrowAways)
            m_dtMarkDowns = dsShrinkdetails.Tables(Table.MarkDowns)
            m_dtGasDriveOff = dsShrinkdetails.Tables(Table.GasDriveOff)
            m_dtCashOverShort = dsShrinkdetails.Tables(Table.CashOverShort)
            m_dtTotalShrinkAmt = dsShrinkdetails.Tables(Table.TotalShrink)
            With objGeneral
                .FiscalYear = Me.FiscalYear
                .FiscalPeriod = Me.FiscalPeriod
            End With
            'To get invalid stores
            strInvalidStores = objGeneral.GetInvalidStores()