



Currently I have about 40 models and whenever I have needed to do an insert its always just been on a single model, so I have been happy to just use my class model which extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract

class Model extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract

However, now one of my requirements is to read a CSV file and normalize it into my database. This means that I am doing an insert on about 7 tables.

How should I structure this? I obviously need to use a transaction. Should I create a class that extends nothing?


class Model {
    public function __construct() {
        // Then get my Zend_Db PDO connection which I have previously saved to registry?
        $this->_db = Zend_Registry::get("db");
   public function insertCsv($csv) {
      data = array( .. )
      $this->_db->insert( "table1", $data);


This appears incredibly hackeyed, and I don't like the way that looks. I'm getting my Zend_Db object from registry and I'm not extending anything for the class.

Should I instead create a new model for each table that I want to insert over? And in my controller start the transaction..



public function indexAction() {
     // My CSV fetch... and create the $data arrays
     $csv = $this->getCSV();
     list($data1, $data2...) = $csv;

    $db = Zend_Registry::get("db");

    // Create the Models
    $model1 = new Model1();
    $model2 = new Model2();
    $model3 = new Model3();
    $model4 = new Model4();
    $model5 = new Model5();
    $model6 = new Model6();
    // Inserts
    $model1->insert( $data1 );
    $model2->insert( $data2 );
    $model3->insert( $data3 );
    $model4->insert( $data4 );
    $model5->insert( $data5 );
    $model6->insert( $data6 );

 // Commit the transaction

Now, I don't like doing that either, because then it feels like my Controllers are becoming Model heavy and I'm doing all the model stuff like transactions in my controller?

I feel like I can't win? How should I do this?