I having a problem in my website where I have 2 objects held in session, both object are structured differently and do not have any links to each other (not intentionally). Both objects however, have a collection of "Travellers". What I am trying to do is modify one collection by adding or removing "Travellers", when a finish button is clicked, the modified collection will then be saved to the other object.
The problem is that for some reason when I modify one collection in one object, the modifications are also made to the collection in the other object.
Here's a rough example:
Dim bookingContext As BookingContext = Session("BookingContext")
Dim personSearchContext As PersonSearchContext = Session("PersonSearchContext")
Dim personId As Integer = Request.Form("PersonID")
Dim mode As String = Request.Form("Mode")
Select Case mode
Case "Add"
For Each traveller As PersonProfile In personSearchContext.Travellers
If traveller.PersonID = personId Then
Exit For
End If
context.Session("PersonSearchContext") = personSearchContext
Case "Remove"
For Each traveller As PersonProfile In personSearchContext.SelectedTravellers
If traveller.PersonID = personId Then
Exit For
End If
context.Session("PersonSearchContext") = personSearchContext
Case "Save"
bookingContext.Travellers = personSearchContext.SelectedTravellers
context.Session("BookingContext") = bookingContext
End Select
The issue is the Travellers collection within the object "BookingContext" is being updated when I add and remove from the collection within "PersonSearchContext". It's as though there is some sort of link or pointer between them.
Any ideas?