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Hidden Features of Visual Studio (2005-2008)?

What are some shortcut keys you know of that make programming faster, easier, or all around more enjoyable?

+2  A: 

I like CTRL+K+D, which formats the code in a file.

And although it's not a Visual Studio feature, I highly recommend Resharper.

+2  A: 

Couple of my favorites.

CTL + TAB -- moves you between open code pages

SHFT + CTL + F -- allows you to do a search across the entire solution (as sometimes find all references does not work when your solutions get huge)

SHFT + DELETE -- allows you to remove an entire line from your code without highlighting it.

+3  A: 

One of my favorite items is CTRL + . to add an imports/using statement to the top of the code file.

Mitchel Sellers
Shift + Alt + F10 is the same...
I didn't know that was another way of doing it. Nice!
Mitchel Sellers
+1 I have by far found this to be one of the most useful, hidden gems in the VS IDE.
+1  A: 
  1. Of course there is Intelli-Sense, it opens automatically or when you hit Ctrl + Space. Select the variable / class / function or whatever it shows you and hit Enter or Tab to insert it.
  2. Code snippets, also provided by the Intelli-Sense list insert code so you do not need to type everything again. Etc. type "prop" and double hit Tab
  3. Ctrl + K, Ctrl + D to format your total file so it looks cleaner.
  4. #region / #endregion to group your code and allow you to hide the whole region