I'm effectively trying to deserialize a form.
One of the objects on the serialized form has a method which takes a series of events as parameters.
Now since I don't have the class type of the object when I'm deserializing, I have a method on the object doing the deserialization called AddMethod which is declared like this:
procedure TMyDeserializer.AddMethod(ControlName, EventName: String;
MethodAddr: Pointer);
TargetControl : TControl;
Method : TMethod;
if Not Assigned(TempForm) then
if TempForm.Name = ControlName then
TargetControl := TempForm
TargetControl := TempForm.FindChildControl(ControlName);
if Assigned(TargetControl) then
Method.Code := MethodAddr;
Method.Data := TargetControl;
SetMethodProp(TargetControl, EventName, Method);
So that I can poke subroutines into the various controls as I deserialize them, The problem is I need to add events as a list of parameters (not to a control). e.g.
Where EventHandler1 and EventHandler2 are defined somewhere in code as
Procedure EventHandler1(Sender:TNotifyEvent);
// Do something
These are not methods but stand alone subroutines.
When I'm assigning these to objects the subroutine doesn't need to be part of an object as the AddMethod procedure handles it with a call like
This works for standard event handlers, such as Button1.OnClick but not if I want to do
Procedure SetUpButton1Click(Method: TNotifyEvent)
TButton(MyDeserializerInstance.TempForm.FindChildControl('Button1')).OnClick = Method;
The problem is I can't pass the subroutine as a method to the example Set Up Procedure.
The form being created isn't declared in an interface and is entirely defined by the file it is read from as well as a few stand alone routines in code.
So I suppose the question is how do turn a subroutine into a method at run time (after creating the object it is supposed to be part of), and if I can't do that how do I pass the subroutines in code as parameters in another method?
So far I've tried casting a TMethod as the correct event type and filling in the .Data as the TempForm. It called the correct method but it scrambled the parameters.
Delphi version is 2007