



Hello Guys,

Does someone know which is the right way to get the actual text in these bytes? I do something wrong here.

And another question: is utf-8 the most generic encoding, that will show most of the chars correctly?


    private void device_OnPacketArrival(object sender, SharpPcap.CaptureEventArgs e)
        string str = string.Empty;

        var time = e.Packet.Timeval.Date;
        var len = e.Packet.Data.Length;

        str = "time.Hour: " + time.Hour + " time.Minute: " + time.Minute + " time.Second: " + time.Second + " time.Millisecond: " + time.Millisecond + "len: " + len;
        str += Environment.NewLine + e.Packet.ToString();
        str += Environment.NewLine + " Message: " + BitConverter.ToString(e.Packet.Data);
        //str +=  e.Packet.Data + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

        Packet p = Packet.ParsePacket(e.Packet);
        str += e.Packet.Data + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

        byte[] utf8Bytes = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Unicode, Encoding.UTF8, e.Packet.Data);

        str += Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(utf8Bytes.ToString()).ToString();
        //txtOutput.Text += "time.Hour: " + time.Hour + "time.Minute: " + time.Minute + "time.Second: " + time.Second + "time.Millisecond:" + time.Millisecond + "len:" + len;
        //txtOutput.Text += e.Packet.ToString();
        //txtOutput.Text += Environment.NewLine;

       // WriteToFile("",c);

Packets contain binary data and not textual data.

There can be parts of the packets that contain text but you should only try and translate these parts to text (not the entire packet data) and you should know what is the text encoding.

There is no "generic" encoding. UTF8 is more generic than ASCII in the sense that all the text in ASCII will be converted using UTF8 but generally there is no "generic" encoding and you should know what is the encoding of your data.
