I am building a site and I have a page which takes an address and uses it to generate a 2D roadmap style google-map and then next to it, the street view for that address.
My problem is that these two maps span almost the entire width of the site and the user is likely to have their mouse go over it when scrolling down the page and get confused by their inability to scroll down further (while zooming into a map).
Disabling this for the 2D map was pretty strait forward
//works to disable scroll wheel in 2D map
var mapOptions = {
zoom: 12,
center: latlng,
scrollwheel: false,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOptions );
//not working to disable scroll wheel in panorama
var panoramaOptions = {
position: results[0].geometry.location,
scrollwheel: false
panorama = new google.maps.StreetViewPanorama(document.getElementById("map_canvas2"), panoramaOptions );
but the street view does not seem to allow me to disable the scroll wheel using these options and I am not able to find this issue addressed in the google-docs. Anyone know if this CAN be done or suggestions on how to approach it?