Using SQL Server 2008.
I have a table variable with a single column and single row.
If I do this:
Declare @testsToRun Table ( testsId BigInt )
Insert Into @testsToRun
Select testsId From tests Where testsId = 10
Select Top 1 * From @testsToRun
For Xml Auto , Type , Root('testMessage')
I get XML that looks like this:
<_x0040_testsToRun testsId="10" />
When what I actually want is:
<testsToRun testsId="10" />
If the row source is a table, that seems to work fine. When it is a table variable I get a child element label I don't want, I want testsToRun
and not _x0040_testsToRun
How can I rework my FOR XML statement/clause to give me proper output?