There are 19 methods in our DAO layer, each is some variation of this:
public TicketProp saveTicketProp(TicketProp prop) {
EntityManager em = this.emf.createEntityManager();
try {
prop = (TicketProp) em.merge(prop);
return prop;
} finally {
Meaning: In each method we handle our own transaction and close it in a finally block. We're testing a Jersey app, so our JUnit tests extend JerseyTest. Each test method instantiates a Grizzly container, runs the test, then shuts down the container. EntityManagerFactory is injected by spring. We're using JPA over Hibernate.
I'm monitoring the connections to our MySQL test DB and they're always high. One test alone runs the MySQL "Max_used_connections" variable to 38. For fun, I went and commented out all the em.close() calls, and the test still uses 38 connections.
I'm using Hibernate's built-in connection pooling (not for prod use, I know). I still expected some sort of intelligent pooling.
Am I handling the EntityManager wrong? How else can I close connections?