
I've found how to order IE to open a webpage and send some POST data.

  • Add a COM Reference named Microsoft Internet Explorer Controls to the project.

  • Then create the post string with the field and its value separated by &, and then convert that string into a byte array.

  • And in the end just had to request IE to Navigate to the url, and also send the Post Data converted into a byte array, and then add the same Header that its added when we submit a form.

Here goes:

using SHDocVw; // Don't forget

InternetExplorer IEControl = new InternetExplorer();
IWebBrowserApp IE = (IWebBrowserApp)IEControl;
IE.Visible = true;

// Convert the string into a byte array
ASCIIEncoding Encode = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] post = Encode.GetBytes("username=fabio&password=123");

// The destination url
string url = "http://example.com/check.php";

// The same Header that its sent when you submit a form.
string PostHeaders = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

IE.Navigate(url, null, null, post, PostHeaders);


To try if this works. Don't forget that your server side page would have to write/echo the Post fields named: username and password.

PHP Code Example:

echo $_POST['username'];
echo " ";
echo $_POST['password'];

ASP Code Example:

response.write(" " & Request.Form("password"))

And the page would display something like this:

fabio 123

Fábio Antunes