I'm writing a bash script (extremely unpleasant experience, as always) and I need the current working directory to act sanely. When I run the script from the directory in which it is in, it's fine. However, when I run it from somewhere else, the current working directory is for some reason propagated to the script. This is obviously undesirable. The claimed solutions, e.g. here, don't work; in any case I refuse to believe that it's that complicated to do something so simple.
4"Are you starting to see how ridiculously complex this problem is becoming? And this is still just the simplistic case where we've made a lot of assumptions about the script not moving and not being piped in!"Jesus Christ, is this saying it's actually impossible? It seems to be. Damn, I wish I could uninstall bash without practical repercussions.
2010-07-28 00:58:07
It's impossible under *all* cases. If you restrict some things then it can be done, but still needs a few hoops.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
2010-07-28 01:02:15
@eegg: The correct answer here is to just write your script correctly in a way that doesn't care where it's being run from. This may involve certain assumptions about the running system, but assumptions are testable.
2010-07-28 01:33:18
This script seems to work for me:
mypath=`realpath $0`
cd `dirname $mypath`
The pwd command line echoes the location of the script as the current working directory no matter where I run it from.
2010-07-28 00:59:56
`realpath` is unlikely to be installed everywhere. Which may not matter, depending on the OP's situation.
2010-07-28 03:42:18
My system doesn't have `realpath` but it does have `readlink` which seems to be similar.
Dennis Williamson
2010-07-28 03:46:57
Get the real path to your script
if [ -L $0 ] ; then
ME=$(readlink $0)
DIR=$(dirname $ME)
(This is answer to the same my question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3373132/get-name-of-directory-wher-script-is-executed)
2010-07-30 19:08:59