Hi Guys,
Im stuck attempting to develop a fairly basic accounting spreadsheet for a work project. Im not sure how to add attachements here, so I will try explain as best as I can.
Every day I manually enter data into a sheet with several columns, a few examples of column headings I have are: "Tax Invoice No.", "Customer", "Description" & "Date". They range from cells A3 to Y3, with the table covering A3:Y1135.
Im needing to establish a front page report for others to easily read which allows me to populate: either 'Current Month Results' or 'Previous Month Results' or 'Year to date results' which ever I select. I know there are plenty of manual ways to go about this, but am hoping to get some opinions from people far more advanced with this than me! Im thinking a macro button or a drop down box to generate the reports but am stuck.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Many thanks in advance. Jeremy