




Hi Guys,

Im stuck attempting to develop a fairly basic accounting spreadsheet for a work project. Im not sure how to add attachements here, so I will try explain as best as I can.

Every day I manually enter data into a sheet with several columns, a few examples of column headings I have are: "Tax Invoice No.", "Customer", "Description" & "Date". They range from cells A3 to Y3, with the table covering A3:Y1135.

Im needing to establish a front page report for others to easily read which allows me to populate: either 'Current Month Results' or 'Previous Month Results' or 'Year to date results' which ever I select. I know there are plenty of manual ways to go about this, but am hoping to get some opinions from people far more advanced with this than me! Im thinking a macro button or a drop down box to generate the reports but am stuck.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Many thanks in advance. Jeremy


I would say you can do this with standard excel formulas and not have to bother with VBA. Without having more detail its hard to give an exact answer but I would go along the lines of working out what time periods you want to report on and then using either the SUMIF function or SUMPRODUCT if you are using multiple criteria to get your summary page. If you want to lookup vales instead of adding ranges together take a look at VLOOKUP

Kevin Ross
+1  A: 

No need for VBA. Use a pivot table (hide the sheet) to merge the data and if you requre further customisation, use GetPivotData fuction to pull exact fields ... referencing external cells in the GetPivotData function will allow the viewer to filter ... Can use something like a combobox, list, or even data validation to for selection...
