




Hello All!

I want to know about the configuing process of Google Map in an Android Application.

Thanks, john


Maps aren't baked in to Android. You'll need to download the external library and obtain an API key.

+2  A: 

To program maps , you need to donwload the Google Add ons API . Then create a project in eclipse(hope u r using that) on Android and select the Google Addons API 1.x / 2.x version that u downloaded.

You need to obtain an API key using your debug.keystore file . (this exists in the folders of your installation) .First step is to obtain a local key(lets say) using that file.Then you need to obtain the mapsAPI key for that given localkey online. You can check google for that.(I dont remember the loc.) . INclude the key in the android.xml file with the value android:mapsAPIKey = "key obtained".

Extend MapActivity and overide isRouteDisplayed() . This should give you a basic idea...i hope ..

Hope this helps ... :)
