




I mean that I need to identify a set of applied patches by some number or a string to quickly check if I have the same code version as the other people without any synchronizations.

Is there some built-in darcs solution for this?

+2  A: 

There's no short identifier for this - it's one of the downsides of the cheap cherry-picking darcs gives you. You can get a long identifier by first running darcs optimize --reorder and then looking at the output of darcs changes --context - but two repos with the same contents might list things in the context in different order, so it's still not perfect. You could sort the output and compare those.

So overall

darcs optimize --reorder
darcs changes --context | sort | md5sum

would give you a reasonable approximation of a version identifier.

The darcs optimize --reorder step isn't absolutely necessary, it's just possible that without it you'll get different results when the repos actually contain the same set of patches.

Ganesh Sittampalam