In Java, renaming threads is possible. In .NET it is not. This is because the Name is a property that is write-once in the Thread class:
public string Name
return this.m_Name;
[HostProtection(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading=true)]
lock (this)
if (this.m_Name != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_WriteOnce"));
this.m_Name = value;
InformThreadNameChangeEx(this, this.m_Name);
Given the fact that Java allows thread renaming and most of the underlying thread structures used are OS-supplied in both platforms, I'm inclined to think that I could actually rename a thread in C#, if I avoid a certain set of functionality that a) I don't care or b) don't use at all.
Do you have any idea why Thread renaming is a write-once operation? Any idea if changing the name breaks something?
I have tried a test where I rename the thread as such:
var t1 = new Thread(TestMethod);
t1.Name = "abc";
t1.GetType().GetField("m_Name", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(t1, "def");
t1.GetType().GetMethod("InformThreadNameChangeEx", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).Invoke(t1, new object[] { t1, t1.Name});
The result is that the name is indeed changed and this is reflected on other code that uses this thread. The background to this is that I need to log things that threads do and the logging library I use (log4net) uses Thread.Name to specify which thread does what action. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Please stop suggesting obvious things! I know how to name a thread at start if I am asking how to RE-name it.
The reason why I need to do this, is that the thread will be re-used and it may be used by another component and I want to signify this, if and when there will be logging occuring, so as to have a specific thread name, rather than a generic number.