



Why does the Wix Visual Studio plugin, Votive, think it's necessary to copy ALL my source files to the current Wix project's directory? How can I disable this? I've had no luck searching the docs, web, or project settings.

I would like to keep things uniform and keep the "wxs" files in a "src" directory and my Wix project in the "build" directory. Is this possible?

My directory structure is something like this:

-> wix_project
-> *.wxs files
-> etc etc.

EDIT: So, when "adding existing files" to my project I clicked the little arrow next to the source name and added them as links and that seemed to work. This seems a bit obfuscated - still searching for a setting that disables this "copying" so new contributors to the project will not have to worry about this.


Isn't this the same behavior that C# projects have? I think the Votive behavior was modeled after that.

Rob Mensching
That is true. So regardless that my project is a C++ project, Votive wants me to adhere to C# standards. I don't think I'm knowledgeable enough to know why this was done but it's fine because I can work around it. Thank you for the response!
Project systems (Votive is a project system) have to pick their behavior and go with it. Mixing and matching behavior won't work. At the creation of Votive, we (actually, jrock) picked this behavior. Never heard anyone complain until now. ;)
Rob Mensching