



When I'm working with CSS, I'll often test in a browser - say, Chrome - right click an element, click Inspect Element, and edit the CSS right there. The use of arrow keys to change things like margin and padding makes lining things up super easy.

It's not too hard to then take those changes and apply them to the CSS file, but it would be cool if I could just right click the selector in the inspector and select "export" or "copy", and have the contents available in my clipboard.

Does something like this exist?

+2  A: 

Firediff is a Firebug add-on that tracks changes done in Firebug. It logs everything you'll do in the HTML pane (great) but also your brief use of the Web Developer Toolbar extension (not so great), say Shift-Ctrl-F to obtain a font-size information in px.
I have seen a Firebug extension in Chrome but didn't test it, I use Firediff with Firefox.

alt text

Felipe Alsacreations
Cool plugin. Definitely gets me closer to where I want. Going to wait and see if anything better comes along (full on copy formatted css to clipboard, for example).
+2  A: 

I've suggested this product on SO before (I'm not affiliated with them in any way).

Excellent product. Sounds like exactly what you're looking for and much more.

Bryan Downing
Looks pretty awesome. Too bad it's $80. Thanks @Bryan, good find