




What's the best free replacement for TSynEdit? As I can see, it is developed very slow. Want to find some replacement for it. Or, may be, the version from another maintainer.

Need Delphi 2010 compatibility.

+1  A: 

I have never used SynEdit myself, but have always believed it to be the best free open-source advanced editor component for Delphi. Because it is open-source, you can yourself alter it to suit your needs.

Andreas Rejbrand
Thanks, but it will take too much time.
+4  A: 

SynEdit works fine under D2010. There's one notable bug involving the Enter key not working under certain conditions. A patch for it can be found about halfway down the page on this thread. Search for // GB: BUG FIXED

Aside from that, it should work. Are you having some specific issues with it?

Mason Wheeler
I use it all the time, and SynEdit's UniSynEdit version is great.
Warren P
Why there is no final version then? The developing of this component seem to be stopped. And if you stumble across some bug - there is none you can cry for help to ;)
+2  A: 

You can try out Scintilla. As of version 2.x it supports "virtual space" (most important feature for me - after syntax highlighting) and has more features like CodeFolding, Annotations, MultipleSelections, and many more. AFAIK there is no wrapper for Delphi that is up-to-date and works with Unicode/D2009+. I've created a project at which should be in 'beta stage' in a week (or so).

That sounds nice. Can it do SyncEdit?
Mason Wheeler
Yes, it should support that feature. You can add for example 10 carets and edit code in 10 different places at a same time.
Krystian, now you need to port your excellent SynWeb to Scintilla, as we discussed :)
I'll wait till the Delphi port :-)
Marco van de Voort