



I am looking to be able to load an entity by ID using generics and property reflection but am unsure how to accomplish this task using Entity Framework 4.0.

I have a method in my abstract method as such:

public abstract T GetById(object id, TestContext context);

Currently, since it is abstract, I have to implement this method in every single repository class I create as such:

public override TestObject GetById(object id, TestContext context)
    return context.TestObject.First(x => x.TestId == (int) id);

Is there a way to accomplish this same task using reflection and generics in my abstract class?

+2  A: 

This is a VB example that I use. My keys are all GUIDs, but you can probably adapt this.

Public Shared Function GetKeyPropertyName(ByVal typeName As String) As String
    Dim props = Type.GetType(typeName).GetProperties
    For Each prop In props
        Dim atts = prop.GetCustomAttributes(True)
        For Each att In atts
            If TypeOf (att) Is EdmScalarPropertyAttribute Then
                If DirectCast(att, EdmScalarPropertyAttribute).EntityKeyProperty Then
                    Return prop.Name
                End If
            End If
    Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format("No key property found for type '{0}'.", typeName))
End Function

Public Shared Function GetObjectById(Of T As EntityObject)(ByVal id As Guid) As T
    Dim ctx = MyContext
    Dim entityType As Type = GetType(T)
    Dim entityTypeName As String = entityType.ToString
    Dim keyProperty As String = GetKeyPropertyName(entityTypeName)

    Dim container = ctx.MetadataWorkspace.GetEntityContainer(ctx.DefaultContainerName, Metadata.Edm.DataSpace.CSpace)

    Dim entitySetName As String = (From meta In container.BaseEntitySets Where meta.ElementType.FullName = entityTypeName Select meta.Name).First()
    Dim entitySetFullName As String = String.Format("{0}.{1}", container.Name, entitySetName)

    Dim entityKeyValues As IEnumerable(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, Object)) = _
        New KeyValuePair(Of String, Object)() {New KeyValuePair(Of String, Object)(keyProperty, id)}

    Dim key As New EntityKey(entitySetFullName, entityKeyValues)
    Return DirectCast(ctx.GetObjectByKey(key), T)
End Function
Bill Daly
This was actually pretty close to what I needed. I mainly utilized something similar to the GetKeyPropertyName (with a few modifications), and due to the nature of my code, I the LINQ Expression builder once I had my primary keys.