If you are a coder and the database is nothing to you but a glorified object-store, then sure, by all means inject surrogate keys willy nilly. In fact go one better and just delegate all DB schema design and DB interaction to your favourite ORM and be done with it. Indeed, when I want a small or medium scale object-store, that's exactly what I do.
If you are approaching an information systems or information management problem, then it is a completely different story. When you start dealing with 10's (or more likely 100's) of millions of dirty records integrated from multiple sources, several or all of which are not under your control; at that point the seductive lure of an easy answer to the problems of 'identity' is a trap.
Yes you sometimes still introduce a surrogate key internally to allow for concise FK relationships and improved cache efficiency on covering indices; but, you gain those benefits at the cost of substantial pain at managing the natural-key/surrogate-key relationship.
In this case it will be important to make sure you don't allow the surrogate key to leak. Your public API's at the business-logic layer should use the natural-key, nothing above an document/record-cache should be aware of the existence of a surrogate key. Be aware that the cost of matching updates against the existing surrogate keys can be prohibitive, and a far larger scalability hit than the incremental cost of moving a few extra bytes per request over the internal network.
So in conclusion:
If the DB is just being used as an object-store: let the ORM worry about object identity, and there should almost certainly be a surrogate key.
If the DB is being used as a database: the introduction of a surrogate key is an engineering design decision with serious tradeoffs in both directions. The decision will need to be made on a case by case basis, with full recognition of the resulting costs to be accepted in exchange for the benefits gained either way.
The 'convenience' of a surrogate key is really just the ability to punt on the question of identity. This is often necessary in a database, and reasonable in the caching layer as I allow, but beyond that it leads to brittle data designs. The problem is that identity is no something that has one correct answer. For non-trivial data-intensive systems you will routinely find yourself needing to work in terms of equivalence classes, rather than the reference identity, object-oriented programming lulls us into thinking is normal.
What it really comes down to is a realization that the whole concept of a 'primary key' is a fiction invented to help the relational model work efficiently; but, adopting a surrogate key, cements that fiction and makes the whole system brittle and inflexible. Business logic needs to be able to provide their own definitions of equality — sometimes four copies of the same file need to be considered four files, sometimes they should be considered indistinguishable from the original file; when you edit one of them, is that then a new file? the same file? The answer to both questions is of course yes, when... Working with natural keys provides this critical ability to work in terms of conceptual equivalence classes. If you let surrogate keys infect your business logic, you quickly lose this.